Sandra Wilson Eamer

Wellspring Chinguacousy's 2024 Big Walk Family Event for Cancer Support

I'm fundraising for...

On October 6, 2024, I will be participating in the 2024 Big Walk for Cancer Support to raise funds for Wellspring Chinguacousy Cancer Support Foundation.

The fundraising event will help fund cancer support programs and services that Wellspring Chinguacousy Cancer Support Foundation provides, free of charge for individuals and families living with cancer.

Please help me reach my fundraising goal - your gift is the fuel that will get me there.

To make a donation, simply click on the "Donate Now" button.

Thank you for your generous support!

My Achievements

Fundraising page

Updated Profile Pic

Added a Blog Post

Received 5 Donations

Reached Goal

Increased Target

Thank you to my Sponsors




Ibrahima Faye


Gina Schultz

Good luck!!




Jillian Baxter


Jev P


Sharon Malicki

Crush the walk just like you crushed cancer! Astalavista-Cancer will NOT be back!" Tumurator it! Love you.. Wally Sharon, Ethan and Elise,


Melissa Beausoleil


Keith Rigby


Brian Briggs

Awesome team and great cause!


Ann Woolley

Thank you for your passion for the Wellspring mission Sandra and sharing it with our entire team.


Sandra Eamer


Andy Cullen


Nicole Woods


Sandeep Kaur


Warren Yee



Billy S

Great job on making the difference!






Csilla Goldsmith


Colleen Magwood

Go Tumournators! xoxoxo


Dennis Beaudry


Amelita Vinas


Fei Hioe


William Mussatti

Thank you for making a difference, Sandra!


Mario Santos


Glenna Detto


Ben A

Good luck!


Elaine Cole

Looking forward to another great even with you Sandra!


Hardik Bajaj


Jeremy Hernandez-hermann

Keep up the amazing work Sandra!