Collette Ann Lewis

Wellspring Chinguacousy's 2024 Big Walk Family Event for Cancer Support

I'm fundraising for...

On October 6, 2024, I will be participating in the 2024 Big Walk for Cancer Support to raise funds for Wellspring Chinguacousy Cancer Support Foundation.

The fundraising event will help fund cancer support programs and services that Wellspring Chinguacousy Cancer Support Foundation provides, free of charge for individuals and families living with cancer.

Please help me reach my fundraising goal - your gift is the fuel that will get me there.

To make a donation, simply click on the "Donate Now" button.

Thank you for your generous support!

My Achievements

Fundraising page

Updated Profile Pic

Added a Blog Post

Received 5 Donations

Reached Goal

Increased Target

My Updates

Last year 2023

Thursday 12th Sep
Last year Cancer Walk was so wonderful. My coworker and my two daughters so gracefully joined me on this walk.  
My support for this walk helped me reach my goal of $1000 Let do it again.  And have fund doing it 

Let's save Lives

Thursday 12th Sep
Let's walk this Sunday October 6, 2024 with Wellsprings to support Our family and friend who is battling with thus disease 

Thank you to my Sponsors


Ryan Bacon


E. Jager

You go Collette!!!! You are such an inspiration!