Donate today and show your support for those living with cancer. From now until December 31, all donations will be matched up to $275,000!

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Make a donation using the online form and light up the life of someone living with cancer.

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Help those with cancer

Your donation will help provide over 70 free programs for those living with cancer.

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Before my diagnosis of tongue cancer, my life was filled with joy and adventure. I had a rewarding career in the steel industry, a loving family consisting of three amazing kids and an exceptional wife, and together, we explored the world, climbing mountains and trekking ancient trails like the Inca Trail to Machu Picchu. But as fate would have it, my life took an unexpected turn.

Cancer changed everything, and that's when Wellspring entered my life. It became more than just an organization; it became my lifeline. While the medical community treated my cancer with surgery and radiation, Wellspring tended to my emotional well-being. The support and care I received from Wellspring were paramount in my journey towards healing and survival.

Would you consider making a gift today in support of Wellspring? Your gift will be matched, doubling the impact of your contribution.

-Adam Brown, Wellspring Alberta member

Our mission is to provide a comprehensive range of support and programs so anyone living with cancer can improve the quality of their lives. We cannot do this alone. We need your help — so no one has to face cancer alone.

70 Programs

Wellspring Alberta offers over 70 diverse, evidence informed programs, delivered by over 120 contracted professional program leaders, five to six days a week.

30,000 Visits

In 2022, people living with a cancer diagnosis, caregivers and children under 18 visited Wellspring programs and services over 30,000 times.

7,000 Hours

In 2022, 189 volunteers committed more than 7,300 hours in support of Wellspring.

“Art is my favourite. I love spending my time there drawing, painting, creating a collage. In art classes people are so creative, I can lose myself in it.”

“I have very much enjoyed all of the programs I have taken at Wellspring, but music is especially therapeutic for me. Music is good for the soul – it liberates your emotions.”
“There is such a tremendous range of programming at Wellspring, and so many things that appeal to me, it’s wonderful! I so appreciate this resource and the fact that there is no barrier to attend.” 
“Wellspring is not a place of doom and gloom, it’s a place of understanding. There’s this unspoken word – you don’t have to explain... It was so uplifting, I couldn’t wait to get to my next class.”

After participating in our 2022 free programs, Wellspring members agreed or strongly agreed that they:


of members agreed that the program helped them feel less isolated.

Based on 2,100 respondents.


of members agreed that Wellspring increased their physical well-being.

Based on 577 respondents.


of members agreed that programs helped improve their mental health and wellbeing.

Based on 2100 respondents.


of members agreed that they feel they can manage stressful situations better.

Based on 592 respondents.