Bust a Move for Breast Cancer Awareness

By Shake your TaTa's with Tammy!

I've created this page because I want to make a difference.

I am a breast cancer survivor who had the privilege of utilizing the services Wellspring has to offer and I want to give back to these amazing programs and people!

Wellspring helps people with cancer live better. Your donation will help provide programs and services that meet the emotional, social, physical and practical needs of people living with cancer and those who care for them.

Please help me help them by giving whatever you can. The more people that know about Wellspring, the greater their impact, so please also spread the word by sharing my page with your friends and family.

Thank you in advance for your generosity, it means a lot!

If you wish to attend the event on Saturday May 25, 2024, please follow this link: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/bust-a-move-for-breast-cancer-awareness-tickets-869156489457?aff=oddtdtcreator

All ticket proceeds will also go to Wellspring!

My Achievements

Fundraising page

Updated Profile Pic

Added a Blog Post

Received 5 Donations

Reached Goal

Increased Target

My Updates

It is not easy but it is worth it!

Thursday 28th Mar
Cancer has given me the gift of life and living! 
I know, that sounds strange....  
The truth is, when I was first found my cancer I was terrified.  That feeling stayed with me for quite a while until I was "officially" diagnosed at 44 years old.  Once I knew what I was dealing with I was better.  What I learned from having cancer is many things I had no idea about.  I had no idea how many incredible people there were out here in the world dealing with and supporting those facing cancer.
I was introduced to Wellspring through Cancer rehab at Princess Margaret Hospital.  I began going through all the programs available and was shocked to see that they were being offered at no charge.
Cancer is expensive in many ways, so to have programs available to me at no cost, well that just gave me some breathing room and allowed me to put away my wallet for a while! 
I love to learn and I knew I needed to learn how to live with life after cancer and Wellspring coaching program in particular gave me the education, structure and confidence I needed to keep moving forward.
Cancer is not easy to go through but when you have incredible people like all those working with Wellspring, giving of their time to support those with cancer, well it is worth it to go through it all and be amazed and reminded how beautiful humanity really is!
Thank you Wellspring! Looking forward to giving back to you!

Thank you to my Sponsors


Tammy Gunn


Mary Diflorio

You're knocking it out of the Park Tammy! All the best always.



Thank you Tammy for raising awareness and Wellspring for all your support!


Verna Brunet


Darrin Gunn


Grace Marson

Shake it girl !!!!


Tricia Johnstone

I wish you success on your fundraiser! Sorry I can't be there, I know it's going to be a blast! You are such an inspiration and a blessing to everyone you come into contact with! You are a Superhero!!!


Elisa Zambri-savoiardo

All the best to you Tammy. You’re doing amazing work.


Faith Hoy

Sorry I can't make it to the event - I'm sure it will be amazing!!!


Shirley And John Gunn


Christina Becker


Brenda Abelardo

😔Sorry that I can't make it to shake my TaTa's Love you Tammy 😘



Will be with you inspirit on the 25!


Jen Nicolucci

You rock Tammy!!


Karen Dunne-carter


Maureen Chicorli


Julie Larocque

Tammy you are a true inspiration. Somebody I look up to. You brings loads of positivity in this world.


Adam Becker


Rashida Khanji


Giselle Tulipano

Sending so much love to all the families in need. Thank you Tammy for creating this fundraiser


Michelle Paton


Tammy Gunn

