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By registering for the 2024 Firefighter Stairclimb Challenge, you'll receive an event t-shirt, commemorative coin to celebrate 10 years of the event, a meal on event day, and access to stunning views at the top of Brookfield Place. 

Firefighter Stairclimb Challenge

Open to firefighters (volunteer, retired, and paid) who are 18 years of age or older. Minimum fundraising goal of $250, including a $50 donation upon registering to secure your spot. Participants who meet the minimum fundraising goal of $250 will climb Brookfield Place on June 9, 2024 in their modified* firefighter gear.

Challenge the Chief

Open to anyone who is 18 years of age or older. Minimum fundraising goal of $5,000, including a $500 donation upon registering to secure your spot. Participants who meet the minimum fundraising goal of $5,000 will climb Brookfield Place on June 9, 2024 with Fire Chief Dongworth in provided firefighter gear.

*Modified gear includes NFPA 1971 boots, helmets, SCBA (provided), and your choice of issued utility gear, uniform, station wear, or coveralls/protective jumpsuits. Read more.